Eyebrow microblading care procedure

Microblading is becoming increasingly popular to enhance and maintain well-groomed eyebrows. With proper aftercare and maintenance, microbladed eyebrows can last a long time. Following a specific routine can help keep your new brows looking their best for an extended period.

Eyebrow Microblading

The aftercare routine following a microblading procedure is an important aspect of maintaining the results. This guide provides detailed instructions for those seeking an effective aftercare routine in 2024.

This article covers essential tips for microblading procedures and achieving ideal eyebrows.

Please be aware that this article offers general best practices and guidelines for common situations. However, your microblading artist may provide more specific or different advice. Following the artist’s advice is recommended as they are familiar with your specific situation and can provide tailored guidance for the best outcome.

What is the duration of microblading aftercare?

Eyebrow microblading is a semi-permanent form of brow tattooing that takes 4 to 6 weeks to heal. The crucial aftercare routine must be followed during the first 1 to 2 weeks. Consistency in the aftercare regime is important for proper healing each day.

Let’s observe the process of microblading healing.

Understanding the healing process and what to expect

After the microblading procedure, it is normal for the pigment of the brows to appear heavier than usual initially. The following day, you can anticipate a darker hue and potential redness immediately post-operation.

During the scabbing stage of healing, your eyebrows may become sensitive, itchy, dry, and scabbing. It is important to resist the temptation to rub the area. Instead, you can apply Vitamin A & D ointment to help soothe the itchiness.

During the healing process of microbladed eyebrows, you may experience symptoms of dry or flaky skin. You may notice uneven pigmentation as the skin heals, which should even out over time. It is normal for the pigment to appear faded as the skin naturally exfoliates. This is a normal part of the healing process, and your eyebrows will settle and maintain their healed appearance.

A touch-up session may be needed for certain procedures to fill in gaps or adjust brows. This session is typically scheduled six weeks after the initial operation at the artist’s salon.

Tips for a successful microblading healing routine

After a microblading procedure, the artist will provide instructions to aid in healing and improve the outcome.

Typically, it is recommended to follow certain guidelines for the first 10 days after the procedure.


  • Avoid rubbing, scratching, or picking at your eyebrows, as this can lead to permanent scarring and pigment removal, especially if done on scabbed tissue.
  • It is recommended to avoid sleeping on your side or in a position that puts pressure on your brows against a pillow. Sleeping on your back is advisable.
  • It is recommended to avoid prolonged sun exposure, including tanning booths, and to wear a wide-brimmed hat while outdoors to reduce UV ray exposure.
  • It is recommended to refrain from wearing makeup or any facial beauty products for a minimum of ten days.
  • To keep your eyebrows dry, always carry a soft cotton cloth to gently blot if the weather is humid or if you encounter unexpected rain.
  • Avoiding activities, workouts, and conditions that may cause sweating is recommended.
  • Avoid using products with acids and exfoliants.
  • It is important to keep the skin dry by avoiding the shower head when showering and, if possible, taking baths for better water control during washing.
  • It is recommended to avoid spicy foods and alcohol as they may cause flushing of the skin surface and increase blood flow to the newly microbladed area.
  • It is recommended to avoid smoking in order to reduce airborne irritants.
  • It is recommended to avoid overly dusty environments and cleaning products with high vapour content, as they can be additional airborne irritants that should be avoided.


Following these rules is crucial to prevent smudging of the fine microblading lines and minimize disturbances to your brows during the healing period.

Follow the aftercare instructions provided by your microblading artist for best results. Some artists recommend using Tattoo Goo Renew for sun protection 3 weeks after the procedure. Tattoo Goo Renew is designed for tattoos, essentially what microbladed brows are. Tattoo Goo offers a complete aftercare kit with other helpful products as well.

Products that can help with dry skin and eyebrows

Moisturised skin

Properly moisturizing microbladed brows involves using specific gels, serums, and salves designed for healing and colour retention rather than simply applying water.

It is recommended to use only a small amount, about the size of half a grain of rice, for both eyebrows. If there is a shiny or wet appearance after applying the salve, it indicates that too much has been applied. Blot off any excess gently without rubbing.

The Original Tattoo Goo is a recommended salve for protecting and healing brows. Regular application can help protect from the sun and aid in healing without causing any mess.

Keep Them Dry

To ensure proper healing of your newly microbladed brows, it is recommended to avoid moisture, facial oils, makeup, and creams for the first 1-2 weeks. Additionally, refrain from steam baths and excessive sweating during this time, as they may alter the pigments.

Original Tattoo Goo is a professional salve designed specifically for healing tattoos. It does not clog pores and contains natural essential oils to aid in the healing process.

A 14-day treatment plan for maintaining microbladed eyebrows

After the microblading procedure, you may experience some redness on your skin. To address this, gently blot the area with a soft cotton wipe, antibacterial soap, and water. Repeat this every 3 hours to avoid lymph accumulation. Finally, a light aftercare salve should be applied to the treated area.

On days 2-3, it is recommended to gently clean the skin with an antibacterial cleanser to remove dirt, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Use minimal salve and be delicate to avoid harming the skin.

During days 4-14 of your aftercare routine, cleanse your face twice daily with water and antibacterial soap, followed by a gentle pat dry using a soft cotton pad. Apply a thin layer of ointment to your eyebrow microblading area afterwards.

The final result of the microblading procedure will become apparent around four weeks after the initial appointment. If desired, a touch-up appointment can be scheduled to further enhance the results.

Microblading Eyebrow

When should I do a touch-up, and why?

It is recommended that a touch-up or shape-perfecting be scheduled for the second procedure after the initial treatment has settled. Many salons consider this a necessary part of a two-step process that requires time and dedication.

The first touch-up is recommended to wait until satisfactory healing, typically around 6-8 weeks.

Touch-ups are often recommended for microblading because they are done at a more superficial layer where the epidermis and dermis meet, unlike permanent tattooing, which goes deeper into the dermis layer.

Tattoos will gradually fade, typically barely noticeable after 6-12 months if left without touch-ups.

The first microblading procedure may result in pigment settlement and shape design variations, including patchiness and slight differences from your initial vision.

The touch-up procedure will address any inconsistencies in the hair strokes and pigment density, providing a clearer and more long-lasting result.

What happens if I skip the touch-up after the first procedure?

There is a strategic approach to doing this in two stages to prevent potential excess. It is more practical to gradually add shape and colour rather than risk waiting for an unexpected outcome to fade.

Skipping the touch-up step in the procedure may result in uneven colour and shape, leading to unsatisfactory results. It is generally considered a waste of investment to not complete this crucial perfecting step.

Can you provide information on aftercare and healing time?

The aftercare routine for this less intense procedure typically only lasts 5-7 days, so there’s no need to worry. By now, you should be familiar with the process.

I wonder if I will need to retouch again in the future

After the initial session and touch-up, maintenance touch-ups are recommended every 6 months to refresh the colour and shape.

Different skin types may experience varying rates of pigment fading after a year of getting a tattoo. It is important to discuss touch-up schedules with your tattoo artist to find what works best for you.

Applying sunscreen to the brow area can help prolong the colour and reduce the need for frequent touch-ups.

Various lifestyle factors, such as spending extended time in the water, unprotected sun exposure, and the use of retinol, along with your unique skin type, play a role in determining how often you should refresh your skin.

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